Our baby Babushka is Six!
With Nikita for a name and a love of all things Babushka and parties, a Babushka theme was a natural choice for an exciting and fun 6th birthday party.
Nikita's book ends became the style inspiration,
and the colour palette her favorite colours
Yellow, Pink and Blue.
We carried the style into

the invitations, table backdrop, drink bottle wrappers, cupcake toppers, chocolate
bar wrappers, party bag
thank you cards, and the
Pin the Lips on the
Babushka game. All
designed by the uber
talented Li-Ann from
Ham and Pea Paperie.
We fell in love with the idea of a
stand up Babushka Doll Birthday Cake
and the very talented Kellie from
Belle Maison Cakes created the
most amazing cake based on the
Invitation design.
Other party food was either Babushka Doll shaped or matched the colour palette.

We had some lovely Babushka
party products at
and used Robert Gordon's
melamine Plates, Bowls, and Cups, along with coordinating paper cupcake cups.
We found a stunning pink ceramic Drink Dispenser and matched it with ceramic milk bottles for juice.
Traditional party games of Egg and Spoon Race, Pulling Rope, Three Legged Race, and Sack Race entertained the children. Of course there had to be Babushka game 'Pin the Lips on the Babushka' and a Babushka Pinata, hand made by Daddy.

Our little guests were sent home with a Babushka party box, the girls were filled with Babushka toys.

Products and Services that created this party:
Stationery -
Ham and Pea Paperie
Babushka Birthday Cake -
Belle Maison Cakes
Babushka Cake Pops and Macaroons -
Babushka Candles -
Babushka Cupcake Cups -
Babushka Cookie Cutters -
Wooden Spoons -
Babushka Plate,
Babushka Bowl,
Babushka Cup -
Babushka Cupcake Cups -
Striped Cupcake Cups -
Pink Ceramic Glass Drink Dispenser -
Pink Ceramic Milk Bottles
Duck Egg Blue -
Tulle Pom Poms by the Pom Pom Princess Tulle Pom Poms -
Ceramic Cake Stand
Pink 24cm,
Mint Green 30cm -
Party Photographs by
Hannah Photography
Styled by